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Syn Text Editor
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Changes Log for syn
$Id: changelog.txt,v 2004/02/29 14:57:31 neum Exp $
Version RC 2 (29-02-2004)
** Additions **
- Functions Combo replaced with new one, that allows filtering as you type. This
is to make finding of functions much easier. You can use following keys here:
* Letters - to filter further
* Backspace - to reduce filter
* Del - to clear filter
* Arrows - to navigate
* Enter - to go to selected function in editor
* Esc - to return to editor without changing cusror position
- Item "Search function" added (defaut shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G) in Search menu,
that focus on Function combo. This is to allow easy function search only with
- Function combo can automaticaly show the name of the nearest function above
current cursor position. This is not acurate at all, but may help in some cases.
- Added Add, Remove and Close menu items to popup menu of Workspace panel (#897922)
- added more web links, accessible via Help / "syn on the web" menu
- added HTML manual to distribution
- added user contributed files to distribution
** Modifications **
- Removed file lists from "Add to project" and "Remove from project" menus -
they slow menu showing on large projects (>500 files) - see RFE #890677
- improved "Spaces to Tabs", "Leading Spaces to Tabs" and "Leading Tabs to Spaces"
commands to work with fragmented Tabs/Spaces groups with less than TabWidth spaces
- asGrep now does not create backup for .bak files and does not search in them
by default. Option -bk should be used to force it to old behaviour.
if option is not set, .bak files are overriden with new backups
- asGrep does not search/replace file more than once now
- updated Help / "Help Contents" to search for HTML manual, and if nor HTML, nor
PDF manual found, to display it online. You can set your preferred version of
the manual via changing HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ascher\syn\Main\MainHelp
registry value
** Bugfixes **
- bug #855958 - ActiveDocument.CurLine script error in
- bug #891041 - Cannot open locked(?) files
- asgrep: fixed bug that adds LF if file is one line long
- asgrep: fixed bug requires search/replace strings in quotes to be double quoted
- Ian Roxburgh has fixed four bugs in asGrep:
- underscore was treated as word delimiter
- string at the beginning of a line was taken as whole word
- possible AV with string at the end of a line
- second match of searched text was threated as whole word, if found in
text where search text is repeated twice (i.e. abcabc when searching for abc)
- Christian Blackburn (seier) has fixed some issues with SynTray:
- bug #860695 - SynTray: (C) --> ⌐ and Informations is not a word
- SynTray will now recreate its tray icon after an Explorer.exe crash
- Launching Syn.exe from SynTray when Syn.exe doesn't exist now displays
situation appropriate information
- "About SynTray" now displays the correct version
- bug #821201 - Tab character 'whitespace' not displayed
- bug #855958 - ActiveDocument.CurLine script error in
- bug #860206 - HTML Help Topic ID's do not work
- bug #860210 - Help Topics aren't editable
- bug #860218 - Help Topics IDs can't be typed in manually
- bug #860240 - Deleting a help topic should leave focus on [Delete...]
- bug #860250 - Error message apears after clicking Copy, Edit,or Remove
- bug #860672 - Configure Tools: Is erroneously prepending argument string
- bug #877429 - Kein Update von Application.Title nach autom. minimieren
- bug #895589 - bug in File Associations
- bug #896907 - Format->leading spaces to tabs sometimes misses some lines
- bug #896922 - Intelligent autoindent uses spaces instead of tabs
- another bug with not deleting first file from Workspace when removed from project
Version RC 1 (15-12-2003)
** Modifications **
- output expression handles files with fwd slashes in path (Unux like)
- syn recognizes <? ?> delimiters in HTML files
** Bugfixes **
- fixed processing of output expression
- fixed "Alt-Tab to get Back from Help" isssue
- fixed AV when using Reopen, PrintPreview and SaveAs methods of Document script
object (stivie)
- #842165 - Unhandled exception when deleting last profile in a project
- #847811 - A bug
- #850536 - Dialog display problem in Win XP
- #841098 - Windowbar mess with many open files
- #851315 - FTP can fail for files with no extension
- #837358 - script tag messes up in Multi-HTML highlighted file
- #788327 - script tag breaks php highlighting
- other minor issues
Version BETA 11 (30-10-2003)
** Modifications **
- scrollbars are updated on replace with confirmation dialog
- Find In Files has unlimited timeout
** Bugfixes **
- #825954 - AV with ctags (stivie) + another one :)
- #654598 and #777890 - Duplicate lines behaviour
- #634744 - Last line of editor cannot be commented with line comment
- #635084 - Navigation with the Tabs (tabs were changed, but editors not)
- #786388 - Wrong Font Style for printing -nearly fixed
- #797594 - Not loading last line if empty
- fixed bug "readonly files opened as untitled"
- fixed bug in asGrep, that makes it still
Version BETA 10 (24-09-2003)
** Additions **
- You can filter what Tags to show
- Shows more informations of ctags if possible
- Searchs Ctags also in %PATH%
- Highlighter for Nullsoft Install System (NSIS), written by Mariusz Jakubowski
- Open Next File command
- Save files before running a Tool, feature #769521
- Filefilter to the File Explorer, and it's a bit faster now
** Modifications **
- More meaningful Quicksearch for the Tag list. Typing the Name of a Tag in the
Tag List selects it, if there is a Tag with this Name.
- Enhanced R highlighter, added missing constants and keywords, added Note
Attribute, this is similar to comments (#! this is a note)
- All distributed files are compressed with 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org/), you
need it to extract the files, unless you need just the setup program, which is
a selfextracting archive. Reduces the overall size of the four files from 4.8 MB
to 3.8 MB.
** Removals **
- DOS Command Toolkind, because you can use Launch Program with %COMSPEC% /C the_command
** Bugfixes **
- Fixed some problems with not running ctags.
- #802380, Tab bug
- #804882, Block|Sort always removes duplicates
- #805578, Process seems to hang with Run, stop process does not work
- Fixed accelerator Keys conflicts in Search/Replace dialogs
- Exception when opening more files at once
- AutoScroll = false, should fix bug #800382 - Caption Bar Resize Issue in XP
- R Highlighter:
* Underscore is an (deprecated) operator and not an identifier char. How about
the Dot, is it a Symbol or an identifier char?
* Exponent (E) is not case sensitive
- Disabled OK button in Marker dialog
Version BETA 9 (25-08-2003)
** Additions **
- Added a Program (synExec) to run and capture the output from 16 Bit Programs.
- Files in folders can be added recursively with Wildcards to Projects. If you
have many files say 1000 or so in a project, it becomes very slow ;-(.
- Added Search Text in Output/Find in Files Lists.
- Support for ctags, to use it download it from http://ctags.sourceforge.net/,
and put it in the same directory as syn. Features #612973, #762948. At my
homepage (http://web.utanet.at/ascherst/download.htm) are some additional
parser (LaTeX and R) for ctags. At the Ctags Patch Tracker there are also some
more parser, and a more advanced LaTeX parser as mine.
** Modifications **
- When you run a console and an error occures, e.g. because the program does not
exist, it doesn't close the Editor.
- Marker Dialog is resizeable
- Shows by default the filename of the active editor in the statusbar, not only
when hoovering over the editor.
** Removals **
** Bugfixes **
- Fixed #787928, File Associations
- Console output handles now #8 (Backspace) correctly.
- Output list didn't recalc horizontal Scrollwidth in some cases.
Version BETA 8 (10-08-2003)
** Additions **
- Made DosCommand (Console) available for Scripting. This means you can start,
stop the console, sending text to it etc. You may also modify some properties
of it. You could write now a Script like this:
Console.CommandLine = "cmd.exe"
Console.CurDir = "C:\"
Console.MaxTimeAfterLastOutput = 0 ' Unlimited
Console.Hidden = true ' Window is hidden
Console.Execute ' Execute it
Console.SendLine "dir" ' dir in C:\
Console.SendLine "exit" ' Exit the command prompt
- Auto complete Brackets, off by default, could be annoying
- "Send: " command to the console templates, it sends the line to the console
right after starting it.
** Modifications **
- Scriptreference is now a separate document.
- If there is a process running when closing syn it asks you now whether you want
to stop it.
- Complex, Float and ordinary numbers may have different Attributes in R Highlighter.
** Removals **
** Bugfixes **
- Backslash escapes correctly (hopefully) Quotes _and_ Backslashes.
- Many, many bugfixes to the new console feature. R works now much better, it
doesn't hang anymore, GUIs are shown correctly and it redirects everything R
emits. A look inside: It's now possible to call CreateProcess with the
DETACHED_PROCESS flag instead of CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE. The problem was syn started
R hidden, and therefore the GUI was also hidden. If R is started with
DETACHED_PROCESS it has no Console window, and thus can be started visible. This
was tricky! You should modify your R template if you're using it, see in particular
ShowWindow and DetachedProc in the Manual, or delete your template before
installing the new version.
- Fixes in Autoindent
- Possible AV in TMarkerList
- Wrong Font Style for printing, fixed by the SynEdit group, #785263, #755198
Version BETA 7 (31-07-2003)
** Additions **
- Copy File Versions to Clipboard in File Versions Dialog (Help -> Versions)
- Delete Items in ListBoxes of the Parameters Dialog with Ctrl+Del
- Edits in Toolbar for fast changing of Parameters and Working directory
- Added a Textbox above the Output List to interact with console programs, i.e.
write something to StdIn. This is in particular useful for R, but also any other
program requireing user interaction. To use R in such a manner start RTerm with
the --ess switch. It accpets also Parameters like $[ActiveDocShort] etc. You may
also send the seletion in the active editor to the console.
- A "console editor", this is an editor window which is like the command prompt.
To start syn in this Mode just open the DosConsole.RUN.BAT file. Here is a short
description from Danail:
Surely this is a very simple example, and it needs a bit more tweaking, but
the basic area is this.
* console editor looks very similar to regular console, but
* commands that you enter will be syntax highlighted
* you can use AutoComplete to add commands more quickly
* you can use InsertText tools to add commands more quickly
* you can use Find, FindPriorWord, etc.
* you can save your console session at exit, if you want, or you can print it
* you can have as many consoles open at the same time, as you want (if *.RUN.*
file is open as template)
What can be done more:
* to be added gutter marks for lines, that are send to console (done)
* easy jump to prior/next command (should be possible with Marker)
* easy recall of prior commands (it has now a Recent List)
This means you can use syn to execute any interactive console application,
but with all additional features of syn, like autocomplete, syntaxhighlight
** Modifications **
- Shows Outputwindow with Marker when Search/Replace -> Mark all Matches is checked
- Installer: If uninstalling syn it asks you wheter you want to delete the registry
Keys created from syn too, previously it always deleted it.
** Removals **
** Bugfixes **
- Fix in TranslateEscSeq: ..\\n.. didn't translate well.
- Bugfix in New Dialog, #776170
- Dot after an Object is a Symbol in R Highlighter
- If syn is started from another instance it changes its current directory to the
new instance, should fix bug #776278.
- Wrong Popup Menu for the Workingdirectory in the Parameters Dialog
- Correctly shows prompts in Output list
- Deletes Marker of a line when this line is deleted.
Version BETA 6 (22-07-2003)
** Additions **
- Goto next/previous Output Item Search command. This command goes to the next or
previous Item in the Output List of Find in Files List, depending which is
- Added some Scripts to interact with GnuPG (http://www.gunpg.org/) via GPGSX
- Need Exit code to continue running Profile.
- Search Mark all occurrences. This is experimental, and may be removed in future
versions. PLEASE TEST IT! This could be a workaround for the modal Search
Replace Dialogs.
- Block Sentence to Format lines dialog.
- Sample Source to Highlighter Page in Options dialog
- C# Highlighter
** Modifications **
- Folder Tab of Templates in New Dialog is multiline
- Saves Search/Replace Text History
- Fileformat of Bookmarkfiles has changed, BlockBegin and BlockEnd is also stored.
- New way to process commandline form other instances, now without a temp file.
** Removals **
** Bugfixes **
- Backslash in a string escapes a Quote in R Highlighter.
- Loads Markers of Templates again.
- Range checking Error in Format lines.
Version BETA 5 (22-06-2003)
** Additions **
- Change to active Document in the fileexplorer Popup menu. Something like Feature
- Minimize when last document closed, Feature #711159
- Remove Duplicates to Sort Line dialog
- Find in Files: * Replace Text + Escape Sequences + Backup, * Check Binary files,
- Combobox history items in Find in Files Dialog can be deleted with Ctrl+Del.
- Paste as Quote in Paste Special
- Reports how many occurrences has been replaced with "Replace All"
** Modifications **
- Renamed commandline option from -emac to -script
- Holding CTRL and SHIFT down while closing a Document the Bookmark file is not
saved, or it is deleted if one exists.
- Find in Files can be used with empty find string - in this case it shows all
files that match given filemask. This is very useful in syn for finding all
files from given filetype in selected folder (or in project files) and opening
them with doubleclick in FindInFiles page of Output window.
- Escape Sequences in decimal notation must be three digits long, e.g. \065 -> A.
- Key stroke Editor is resizable.
- Shows Marker of all open files in Goto Dialog, which is resizeable now.
** Removals **
** Bugfixes **
- Saves Bookmark files on exit only when Text is unmodified.
- Listindex (-1) out of bounds Exception when you clicked in the Associations
- Does not replace a Space with \32 but with \s in strings when saving them to
- Incomplete Find in Files Dialog, #752282
- Rewrote association of Output expression with Listitems, old version could cause
- Issue with searching/replacing using regular expressions, #757446
- Copy Profile didn't copy Hidden flag
Version BETA 4 (09-06-2003)
** Additions **
- TSpinEdit as supported class for scripts, see cvs.vbs how to use it.
- Ctrl+Click selects Word option, on by default.
- Question Marker
- Set Marker Priority in Editor Contextmenu
- Right Click moves Cursor option, it was always on now you can turn it off
** Modifications **
- Go to Dialog shows all Marker with Comments
- Updated to latest SynEdit CVS sources
** Removals **
** Bugfixes **
- Bugfix with Replace Text when using Escape Sequences.
Version BETA 3 (06-06-2003)
** Additions **
- Pressing Escape in the Output list stops scrolling down the Output List, and
Shift+Escape starts it again.
- Added Custom Highlighter again, I think it is useful to some.
- Gutter.Width option, Width of the Gutter when no Linenumbers are displayed.
- Support for Environment variables when starting a program in Commandline and
Path, e.g. "%MSDEVDIR%\Bin\Rc.exe" would translate to "D:\Programme\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\Rc.exe" on my machine.
** Modifications **
- Save Bookmarks is on by default.
- Saves selected Block in Bookmark files, this changed the fileformat. PLEASE
- Gutter is also visible when ShowLinenumbers = false and Gutter.Visible = true,
- Inno Setup 4 is used to compile the Setup, since it requires some Scripting
** Removals **
** Bugfixes **
- Bugfix with defining Profiles, there was some confusion when moving a program
up or down. This bug was there since 2.0.
- Doesn't paint Bookmarks when Gutter is invisible
Version BETA 2 (03-06-2003)
** Additions **
- Some different Markers, these are similar to Bookmarks, but have more proper-
ties. The numbered Bookmarks are still there, I think they are still quite
useful. If you edit a file containing Bookmarks outside syn, and add or remove
some lines, the Bokmarks will be at the wrong place when you open this file in
syn again. THIS IS NOT A BUG.
** Modifications **
- Bookmark file is now also saved when you save a file.
- Changed format of Bookmarkfiles, the new is not compatible with the old format.
These files are still binary files, hence you shouldn't edit them by hand, un-
less you want to crash the program.
** Removals **
** Bugfixes **
- Size of Scrollbar in Output window wasn't restored -- fixed.
- Use new AutoCorrect, should fix some bugs
Version BETA 1 (12-04-2003)
** Additions **
- LaTeX Exporter (stievie)
- Options for Caret Pos when reloading files, feature #611526 (stievie)
- COBOL Highlighter (stievie)
- Support to search/replace using regular expressions, feature #588995 (stievie)
- Option to change the color from modified documents in the Windowbar (stievie)
- Options to create Fragments and use no Background color when Exporting
- Added Some kind of "intelligent" autoindent (on by default), feature #609574.
This does not work good when Spaces and hard Tabs are mixed, and it works only
with curly brackets {}.
Mixing Tabs with Space means:
1: ╗ for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
2: ╖╖╖╖/* do something ... */
3: ╖╖}
when you have in the first line e.g. Tabs and in the third line Spaces it will
place the closing bracket at the wrong place, because it tries to find the
right indentationlevel according the line where the opening bracket is. Other
limits are: (1) There must be a Highlighter assigned, and (2) curly brackets
{} must be treated as Symbols from the current Highlighter.
- Custom delimiter for Join Lines, feature #653030
- Paste Special with options: Paste and Select (#653026) and Paste with Indent
- Highlighter for R
- You can use escape sequences for Replace Text, such as: \n, \t, \f, \r. Feature
- Custom Templates Directory, this makes it possible that different users may
have different Templates
- Added Alias Names for FTP Server to make it possible to have the same server
more than once, maybe with different Login informations. Feature #653042
- Added Delay for RunProfile, feature #653032
- Separate Timeout for Run programs, feature #627348
- Favourites to Open and Save Dialogs
- Highlight current line (off by default), feature #583702 (stievie)
- $[LineNumber] and $[ColNumber] variables to Arguments, possibly useful to start
- Paste multiple times with the Paste special command
- Added -highl commandline switch. If provided it highlightes the lines given
with -line, if you pass only -line (-col) it places the caret at this position,
but does not highlight it. This could be useful for the Inverse Search feature
in Yap.
- Some options for Format lines
** Modifications **
- Shows monitor status in the Statusbar, and doesn't throw an Exception when it
fails (stievie)
- Detects deletion of files
- Renamed Macro to Script
- Autocomplete preserves Selection (neum)
- Changed File Associations
- Enabled Selection only in PrintDialog, feature #653474
- Better highlight matching Brackets
- Shows a MessageBox when no more matches are found with Search command
- Autocorrect is individual for each highlighter
- Improved Keyboardmap Dialog
- Improved New Dialog, templates can have sub directories
- Doesn't use fmShareDenyWrite when opening a file, but this doesn't change much
- Changed storage of Whitespace to the Registry, it uses now Escape Sequences.
You may get problems with your already saved settings.
If you want convert your settings by hand do the following:
* Search for values containing |SPACE| and |CRLF| in the Registry under the Key
* _First_ replace all occurrences of a single backslash with a double backslash,
i.e. \ will become to \\
* Then replace all |SPACE| with \s, and |CRLF| with \n, thats all.
** Removals **
- Custom Highlighter
** Bugfixes **
- ScriptPath doesn't exist in htmlent.vbs (stievie)
- Turning Highlight matching Brackes off didn't really work (stievie)
- Showed wrong filetitle from FTP files (stievie)
- CurLine returning wrong line, #616784 (stievie)
- Fixed bug #609276, Monitor for external changes exception
- Spell Checker didn't load options, #670615
- Bugfix in asgrep
- Fixed some typos
- fixed Win98 paining bug #609707 (neum)
Version (09-09-2002)
** Additions **
- Added distinction between Run File or Project
- Added Document Templates
- Added code for automatically detect and handle different linebreak styles
- Added Default Linebreak Option
- Added option to make SBM files hidden (on by default)
- Added Sort and Save Lines Commands (Edit -> Block), Sort lines is not undoable
- Added Variable $[ActiveDocExt], the file extension of the active document
- Custom Icons for (Project-) Tools
- Added {$UserName} variable to Insert String Tools, currently logged on user
- Added Proxy support to the FTP Client
- Distinction between FTP and local files, FTP files are always uploaded when you
use the Save Command
- Shows Linebreak style in the Statusbar
- Open FTP files read only
- It checks now whether a Program or Find in Files is running, when you try to
close the program
- Option to don't Minimize the active Editor when clicking on the Button in the
Window Bar. By default it doesn't minimize the window.
- XML, GW-TEL Script, IDL Highlighter
- Some useful Editor Options (Group Undo, Enhanced Homekey)
- Autocorrect
- Show Whitespace
- Spell Checker + Auto Spell Check, which may slowdown some operations, but it's
tolerable even on my old Pentium 200 (disabled by default)
- $[FileNameShort:?...] and $[FileNameLong:?...] variables, which shows the Open
Dialog to choose a filename. This may be useful, when you want to integrate e.g.
GNU's diff, WinDiff, or any similar program.
- $[CurWord] variable, the word under the caret in the Editor, possible useful
for perldoc, also added variable $[Prompt:...]
- Option to show the full filename as title for printing
- syn became Open Source, released under the MPL
- Menuitem Show Linenumbers
- Format Lines command (breaks the lines before the right edge where it finds a
whitespace, Edit -> Format -> Format lines), this command is NOT undoable.
- Supports different Units for printing (mm, cm, inch etc.)
- Cancel Button when loading a project and a file can't be found
- Toolbar with some Edit commands
- New commandline tool (synclp.exe) to copy the Profiles defined for a language
to a Project file. Very Beta, I wouldn't use it for a valuable Project file.
- Variables $[ProjectFileShort] and $[ProjectFileLong]
- Scripting support
- Script to search the active document with Regular Expression
- Optional specify the Run-Profile in the active file.
- Search additional Folders with Find in files.
- Match Bracket Menuitem
- Highlight matching Brackets, on by default
- Embedded HTML Highlighter, a combination of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and PHP
- Editor Options Tab Indent, off by default
- It shows now the full path in the status bar when the mouse is over the editor
- Added Highlight Brackets to the View Menu
- Added Copy Filename to the context menu from the Windowbar
- "-line" and "-col" commandlineline switches to highlight a specific line, and
"-emac" to execute a macro
- New Macro $[ModFiles], which returns the filenames from modified files
- Override the Run Workingdirectory with the Run Parameters Dialog
- New Highlighter for My InnoSetup Extensions, this is just a combination from
the InnoSetup Highlighter and the ObjectPascal Highlighter
- Hidden Option for Tools and Run Programs. This Option is OFF by default for
Tools and ON for Run Programs, please update your Settings.
- Added a View Toolbar.
- Nice 256 Color Icons for syn and SynTray contributed from Markus.
- Doubleclick on the Linebreak Panel in the Statusbar change the Linebreak style,
on the Caret Pos Panel it shows the Goto Dialog, and on the Modified Panel it
toggles the Modified Flag.
- Convert between different codepages.
- Environment Variables to the Run Parameters Dialog.
- Added variables $[ActiveDocTitleShortNoExt] and $[ActiveDocTitleLongNoExt]
** Modifications **
- Made the New Dialog resizable
- Edit FTP files "on the fly"
- Updated the FTP client from Indy 8 to Indy 9
- When you use "Save to FTP" the file becomes to a FTP file, and will be uploaded
everytime you use the Save Command
- When you've "Prompt to save" before Run activated, it shows now the "Save all"
Dialog, not a MessageBox for each modified Document.
- Made the "Save all" Dialog more intuitive
- Changed the Run/Check stuff completely: It is now possible to have as many
Profiles as you want for each language and Project, and each profile can call
as many programs as you want.
- The Autocomplete List accepts now Enter, Space and Tab to insert the selected
Item, not only Enter.
- Updated to the latest SynEdit Version
- Changed Command "1011" to show the custom Helpfile to ecContextHelp, you should
assign the Hotkey to this command, and delete "1011"
- Highlighter settings has changed due to other names
- Splited the Commandline into a Program and Arguments Parts in the Options Dia-
logs, so you can use now also long filenames for the program. This filenames
are no longer converted into short filenames. You'll need to update this set-
tings again.
- The FTP Client should handle now more Servers, but it doesn't like Filenames
with spaces in it now
- Linelength is no longer limited to 1024 Characters, but max Linelength is 4 KB.
- It saves now the last used Directories from the Open and Save Dialogs
- Undoing all modifications to the Document using the Undo Command resets the
Modified flag, NOTE: some Edit actions are NOT undoable, e.g. OEM to Ansi,
Sort Lines etc.
- Username and Password in FTP Dialog are not saved when Anonymous is activated,
also restores Username and Password when Anonymous is deactivated
- Files from a Project are not added to the MRU List
- Replace Text -> Replace All keeps the selection
- Fullscreen added button in fullscreen mode, removed it from the Contextmenu
- Autocomplete list is now resizable
- Initial Directory for Find in Files is now CSIDL_PERSONAL, not the current dir
- Moved the Append Cut Menu from Advanced to the root
- Open buttons are now Dropdown Combos containing the MRU filelist
- Better Perl Highlighter
- syn doesn't save CrLf's (#13#10) to the Registry, because this caused problems
with exporting the settings
- Options are now applied also to all opened Editor windows
- Initial Directory from the File Explorer is now CSIDL_PERSONAL rather than the
CurDir, and it saves and restores the last selected Dir
- Regular Expressions for Compilermessage, please update this settings, also ad-
ded $[ColNumber] variable.
- Rewrote asgrep and SynTray
- Specify the Language Name from the Custom Highlighter in the Highlighter file
- You can use now any Key Combination in Customize -> Keyboard.
- New Dialog for configuring Tools, removed this Page from the Options Dialog.
- Moved Tab Options from Editor Options to Editor General
- Modifcations by an external process sets the Modified flag.
- Find next Word and Find previous Word works now also with the Word under the
Caret, ie. no selection needed.
- Project Explorer now called Workspace shows none-Project files as well.
- Rewrote File monitoring, shouldn't prompt more than once, and it's more light.
- Limit to one instance is now on by default, because some features rely on it.
- Changed Applications Mutex name, it uses now a GUID.
- Changed Variable names $[ActiveDocWEShort] to $[ActiveDocShortNoExt], and
$[ActiveDocWELong] to $[ActiveDocLongNoExt].
- Made some Dialogs resizable.
** Removals **
- Removed Import/Export Unix Mac Commands, Message SYM_IMPORT, Import Command
from SynTray, because this is no longer needed
- Parameters from the Project Options (sorry!)
- CSL and Resource Script Highlighter, since it's now possible to use more Pro-
files for one Highlighter.
- *.txt Extension from the Galaxy Highlighter
- Some useless Editor Options (can't remember which one)
- Project Menus from the Editor context menu, it was to long for my taste
- Lisp Highlighter, I'll add one again, when I find or make a better one
- Highlight current line option, caused some problems, and made some things slow
** Bugfixes **
- Fixed problem which caused an Exception when trying to save a hidden file. It
removes now all File Attributes before saving and sets it again after saving,
except the Read-Only Attribute.
- Replacing Text in Column selection Mode has been fixed by the SynEdit Group :-),
also the problems with Tabs are fixed
- Deleting Autocomplete Items didn't work - fixed
- Loosing ecAutoCompletion and ecContextHelp commands when reset shortcuts
- Spelling Errors
- Delete Key in Shortcuts Editor now works
- Choosing Tools in Keyboardmap and Customize Dialogs doesn't raise an Exception
when no Tools are configured
- Fixed problem with the Popup Menu from the SynTray program
- Didn't remember position from the main window
- Block Indent, Unindent didn't work from the Menu
- Didn't use the Editor font for printing
- Uses now clWindowText as default Font color, rather than clNone
- Bad Caret Pos with Autocomplete under certain conditions (hopefully)
- Fixed Shortcut Conflicts
- Fixed Next and Previous Window commands
- Welcome Dialog appeared when you used the Recent files from SynTray.
- Range Check Error when Autodetect URLs was enabled.
- Incremental search problem when AutoCorrect is enabled.
- Exception when you've no write access to a drive and it wants to save a
- Updated the FTP Client to the final release of Indy 9, and it can handle
filenames with spaces in it.
- When you used the Save as command a project file didn't change its name in the
project tree.